Time is money. Control your time to control your success. Know where to go to know what to do. To create, control your time.
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Aim high and fly
To reach the sky, aim high and fly. To aim, know your worthy ideal. Success is the progressive realization of your worthy ideal. AIm high and fly and reach your sky.
Read MoreLearn something new every day
Find something new to learn and master, do this every day. Challenge yourself and find one thing to conquer. Big or small is up to you. Create your wins and be a success every day.
Read MoreLet the force be with you
The positive forces in the world are love, faith, hope and optimism. Let them be your guidelines and encourage you in life. The greatest of them all is love. Let love be your guide, let the force be with you.
Read MoreAction
For your plans to be successful you have to take action. Not doing is also an action. Whether you choose to follow the plan or not, that is action. You create your own life and you create your own success. It takes dedication to the plans and action according to the plans. Action!
Read MoreAll you need is love
Love life and live life. Love yourself, love everyone around you, love everything around you, love everything inside you. Love and live; all you need is love!
Read MoreWrite it down
Ideas and activities, challenges and books, what you eat and how you exercise; write it down and keep track. This is the only way to know you are progressively moving towards your goals.
Read MoreLife is what you make it
You are the creator, you are the ultimate master of your life. Your choices at any given moment decides what you achieve. Life is exactly what you make it.
Read MoreIt’s up to you
Take a deep breath and think. Seek and find, ask and get answers, knock and every door will open; at any given moment. It’s up to you!
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