Ukategorisert · november 29, 2021

Visualize and make your life sensational

Visualization is the most significant wool you have to use for change. It is the process of maintaining a thought long enough so that the mental picture you create evokes an emotional response. The emotion causes conviction, and conviction causes reality. Thought plus emotion creates conviction, conviction creates reality. Your subconscious mind does not distinguish between whether you are imagining something or actually experiencing it. You can make changes in your opinions, beliefs, and levels of expectation by vividly imagining the experiences and circumstances you select.

Get a clear picture of where you are right now, your current reality, and then focus on what you want. Your creative energy will always direct you on the path of least resistance toward what you want. Keep your eye on the goal, sending your energy toward what you want. The laws of natural energy will move you on the right path toward your goal.